Sunday, March 12, 2006

pre camp

ohwell.. archery camp tmr and i hafta pck my stuff, though it doesnt seem so much. hope it will be fun. At least can get to noe the ppl there.

Besides, its goin to take up 3 days and i wun be able to post entry 27. Sorry folks. jus have to wait till wed before i can finish the last part and post it. Right now, im jus too tired to work my brain cells to complete it. Besides, i had to move myself up the black list. lol.

Man, i jus wish sumone would give me 1.5k so i can buy a metal bow in the future. Was doing some math and its freaking ex. heck, even the case is like $150++ Still hvent told my parents of the exact price though i did warn them itll be like at least 1k. they'll probably die of shock or smthing. Till then, ill jus slowly save up and try to pay for some of it. I'll feel so damn guilty, buying that bow that i want. Maybe i might jus stick to the wood one. haha. i wonder when ill get that too. hopefully soon, so i can start practising with my new arrows, which ill probably get tmr.

Anewaes, thanks for all those who nominated me into council. but its still a long way. i think most likely scenario is when i get kicked out during interviews. i do have a tendency to screw up interviews. bleah.

Movies on thursday! Hope all 5 of us who watched fd 3 can make it so we can make up for that crap ass movie. haha. maybe me and jamie can pull off another mean trick on shaun. heheh.

and Starfire is cute. omg. too random. shit.

mayb i should just pack and go to sleeep or something.

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